Shaoxing Shangyu Ventilation Machinery Co. Ltd.
277 Chunhui
Industrial Zone Shanuyu Aveenue
, Shaoxing, 312300 CHINA
+8686 575 82150333
+8686 575 82150333
Certified Products
Axial Fan
DTF (R) Reversible Series Axial Fan

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indicates FEG
FEG Model FEG Number FEG Peak Total Efficiency DTF(R)-12.5-620-8 63 61 DTF(R)-14-694-8 63 61 DTF(R)-15-744-8 63 61 DTF(R)-16-794-8 63 61 DTF(R)-18-892-8 63 61 DTF(R)-20-992-8 63 61 DTF(R)-22-1092-8 63 61 DTF(R)-23-1140-8 63 61 DTF(R)-24-1190-8 63 61 DTF(R)-25-1240-8 63 61 DTF(R)-26-1290-8 63 61 DTF(R)-28-1388-8 63 61
Centrifugal Fan
HTFC Series Low Noise Centrifugal Fan

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indicates FEG
FEG Model FEG Number FEG Peak Total Efficiency HTFC-1000-12 71 69.9 HTFC-255-10 67 52.1 HTFC-320-10 60 52.1 HTFC-400-10 56 52.1 HTFC-450-10 56 52.1 HTFC-500-12 75 69.9 HTFC-560-12 75 69.9 HTFC-630-12 75 69.9 HTFC-710-12 75 69.9 HTFC-800-12 71 69.9 HTFC-900-12 71 69.9
Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.