Wolter Ventilators India Pvt Ltd
G1 793, 794, 795
RIICO Industrial Area
Bhiwadi District , Alwar, 301019 INDIA
Certified Products
Axial Fan
AXV Axial Fan

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indicates FEG
FEG Model FEG Number FEG Peak Total Efficiency AXV 1000-250-14 67 66.5 AXV 1000-250-7 71 68.15 AXV 1000-300-10 71 67.07 AXV 1120-300-5 71 69.99 AXV 1250-370-6 71 67.21 AXV 1400-420-6 75 71.19 AXV 1600-420-6 67 66.49 AXV 1800-540-6 75 71.19 AXV 2000-600-6 75 71.19 AXV 2200-660-6 75 71.19 AXV 2400-720-6 75 71.19 AXV 250-110-3 67 53.77 AXV 250-110-6 60 47.73 AXV 2500-750-6 75 71.19 AXV 2600-780-6 75 71.19 AXV 280-110-3 75 62.29 AXV 280-110-6 67 54.54 AXV 2800-840-6 75 71.19 AXV 315-110-3 71 61.08 AXV 315-110-6 67 56.34 AXV 355-110-3 75 65.87 AXV 355-110-6 71 63.18 AXV 355-150-7 63 54.97 AXV 400-110-3 75 66.01 AXV 400-110-6 71 65.65 AXV 400-150-10 63 58.15 AXV 400-150-5 71 64.76 AXV 400-150-7 67 62.11 AXV 450-110-3 71 66.52 AXV 450-110-6 80 73 AXV 450-150-10 63 57.52 AXV 450-150-5 71 66.27 AXV 450-150-7 63 57.65 AXV 500-110-3 75 69.85 AXV 500-110-6 75 70.09 AXV 500-150-10 71 65.02 AXV 500-150-5 71 67.32 AXV 500-150-7 71 65.22 AXV 500-250-7 56 53.94 AXV 560-110-3 71 67.53 AXV 560-110-6 75 70.92 AXV 560-150-10 71 67.49 AXV 560-150-5 75 72.37 AXV 560-200-9 67 61.82 AXV 560-250-14 56 53.43 AXV 560-250-7 67 62.7 AXV 630-110-3 75 69.56 AXV 630-110-6 75 71.48 AXV 630-150-10 75 70.94 AXV 630-150-5 75 70.17 AXV 630-200-9 63 61.92 AXV 630-250-14 63 61.78 AXV 630-250-7 71 66.52 AXV 710-110-3 75 72.09 AXV 710-110-6 75 71.84 AXV 710-150-10 75 71.55 AXV 710-150-5 75 72.91 AXV 710-250-14 67 64.42 AXV 710-250-7 71 69.53 AXV 710-250-9 67 62.86 AXV 800-150-10 75 73.3 AXV 800-150-5 75 73.44 AXV 800-250-14 71 68.29 AXV 800-250-7 75 71.94 AXV 800-250-9 71 69.3 AXV 900-250-14 67 65.6 AXV 900-250-7 71 68.64 AXV 900-300-10 63 60.56
AXV-F Vane Axial Flow Fan

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indicates FEG
FEG Model FEG Number FEG Peak Total Efficiency AXV-F 1000-420-6 — AXV-F 1120-472-6 — AXV-F 1250-525-6 — AXV-F 1400-550-7 — AXV-F 1600-625-7 — AXV-F 1800-710-7 — AXV-F 2000-785-7 — AXV-F 2200-862-7 — AXV-F 2400-942-7 — AXV-F 2500-980-7 — AXV-F 2600-1020-7 — AXV-F 2800-1095-7 — AXV-F 500-150-6 — AXV-F 560-168-6 — AXV-F 630-189-6 — AXV-F 710-212-6 — AXV-F 800-238-6 — AXV-F 900-267-6 —
Centrifugal Fan
Model HRZ-B Centrifugal Fan

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Model HRZ-B 1000 HRZ-B 1120 HRZ-B 1250 HRZ-B 1400 HRZ-B 1600 HRZ-B 315 HRZ-B 355 HRZ-B 400 HRZ-B 450 HRZ-B 500 HRZ-B 560 HRZ-B 630 HRZ-B 710 HRZ-B 800 HRZ-B 900
Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.